Here you can find answers to the most common questions I am asked. There are three sections; general, shipping, and custom orders. If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me and I would love to help you.
What kind of clay do you use?
- I use Premo Sculpey polymer clay
What kind of paint do you use?
- I don’t usually paint my pieces. The details you see are made with layers of colored clay, and I mix many of the shades myself. When I do need to add painted details, I use Liquitex Basics acrylic paint.
How do you seal your pieces?
- When I add surface treatments to the clay (such as pigment powders) I seal the piece with either Varathane polyurethane varnish or PYM 2 depending on the desired finish.
Where do you buy the tiny eyes?
- I make the eyes myself from clay and resin.
What are your prices?
- My prices depend on the size of the item and the level of detail. Here is a short list of the kinds of items I typically make, and the price range of each:
- Bird Charms: $10 - $20
- Standard Bird Figurines: $30 - $50
- Detailed Bird Figurines: $40 - $60
- Bird Pendants: $20 - $30
- 3D Pendants (hanging birds, and birds on objects): $30- $60
- Plain Salamander Charms: $10 - $15
- Detailed Salamanders: $20 - $30
*These are the prices of ready-made items. If you are interested in the price ranges for custom items, please continue to the "custom items" section.
How much is shipping?
- Shipping is free throughout the United States (unless you would like to add insurance to your package). International shipping is $10 to Canada and Mexico, and $15 everywhere else. I try to keep shipping rates as low as I can despite rising postal costs.
Why am I being charged to pick up my package? (International orders)
- Over the years, some countries have updated their import regulations, including added fees for foreign items. The buyer is responsible for any import taxes and fees charged by their country. Please look up current import and VAT information for your local area before ordering.
When will I receive my package?
- Delivery in the US is usually within 3 to 5 days. International packages can take 1 to 2 weeks, but they usually arrive within 10 days.
Is my package insured?
- Free shipping does not come with insurance, but if you live in the US you can insure your package for $5. Insurance is currently unavailable for international purchases.
Can I rush my order?
- I do not accept rush orders on customs, since they are completed in the order I receive them. If you need your bird by a strict deadline, you can purchase expedited shipping for $20. International expedited shipping is $50.
Custom Orders
How much are custom orders?
- Customs vary in price depending on the level of detail. I will add an up-to-date list of price estimates once my customs are available again.
How long will it take you to make my custom?
- Without any delays, the average custom takes me between 2 to 4 days to complete once I begin working on it. If you are fourth or more on my current custom list, it may take 1 to 2 weeks. You can always contact me to check my progress.
The custom I want to order is “out of stock.” What does that mean?
- I keep the stock of my custom items limited so I don’t overbook myself and take too long to complete each custom once it is paid. Typically my custom slots will be restocked once I complete my current list.
Can you make a life-sized bird?
- That depends on the size of the bird. Currently I can create birds with a maximum height of 3 inches and a maximum length of 4 inches. Small birds, such as finches, can be created to life-size within these dimensions. However, larger birds and birds with long tails (such as budgies and cockatiels) cannot. This is because my birds are cured in a small counter oven, and if parts of the bird are too close to the heating elements they will burn.
Do you make dogs/cats?
- No I do not. I used to accept customs of any animal, but the added time and materials it takes for me to make prototype designs for singular projects far exceeds the prices I charge. This policy may change in the future, but for right now I can recommend a list of other artists that also take commissions:
SculptedPups - specializes in dogs and cats, full of personality
Wandering Walden - specializes in snakes, lizards, and axlotls, both cute and realistic
Michi Mux - sculpts all kinds of animals in beautiful detail